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In the fall, there will be a few teachers who will be entering the classroom for the first time in their careers and have already asked me to help them setup and organize their classroom. As I was thinking back on how I used to prepare my own classroom, I remembered a great book I used called Classroom in Photographs. It was a great help to me (since I am a visual learner) to be able to see ways that classrooms could be set up.

In my search, I found a new book published by one of my favorite authors, Debbie Diller. Her book, called Spaces & Places: Designing Classrooms for Literacy, shows teachers how to design their classrooms by using photos and diagrams. Now this is my kind of book! The book has just been released and I ordered my copy. This is a great resource for both new and veteran teachers! Go here to read a sample chapter of this new book!

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